সোমবার, ২৫ জুন, ২০১২

How to Be Productive | One Organized Business

by admin on June 25, 2012

Business and workplace experts extol the benefits of productivity on a regular basis. I agree with them ? being productive is key to starting, running, and growing a successful business. But how can you be productive? If you?re taking things as they come and feeling like you?re stuck on a hamster wheel, try the following productivity boosting strategies:

Work during YOUR peak times

If you think you?re operating on all cylinders all the time, thank again. We each have times where we?re naturally more focused and more energetic. Some people are night owls by nature. Others thrive in the morning. My best time is about an hour or two after I wake up and get moving around. So, if I?m working from home, I exercise after waking up. If I?m traveling to the office or to a client, I?m set to go once I reach the end of my commute. My worst time? After lunch, no question. I get my second wind later in the afternoon, but that hour or two after lunch are just no good.

Remove distractions

Close your office door. Turn off your cell phone. Close your email inbox. Do whatever you have to do support yourself in being productive. I turn off my cell phone for a few hours each day. And some days, it?s even off all day. Same goes for my iPad and its numerous notifications, which I do want ? just not all the time. If you stop acting like everything is urgent and important, you?ll see which things really are.

Block out times to get things done

I call this ?scheduling private work sessions.? Block off time to work on important projects or tasks and honor the schedule you create. If you don?t, other people certainly won?t.

Ask for help ? and learn how to delegate

Trying to do everything yourself will only run you ragged. If someone has the expertise that you need, ask them how to do something ? or delegate and have them do it for you. It?s definitely empowering to learn something new and do it yourself, but there isn?t always time for that and it isn?t always necessary. Save yourself some time (and yes, even money) by enlisting the help of others. Savvy business owners know that they reap the biggest rewards from focusing on the things they do best.


How do you stay productive during the day? Have you figured out your peak working times and focused your energy on doing what you do best?? I?d love to hear what works for you!

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