How Important Is Good Customer Service For Your Business?
Did you know that good customer service is the primary factor in determining whether your business will thrive or fail? In other words, someone may set up a business in a thriving community where there is lots of traffic, but if there is no customer support or if support is poor and unfriendly, this business may fold under within 6 months. On the other hand , someone may set up a business in a more remote erea and give excellent, friendly customer service and their business may thrive.
You must realize that a satisfied customer will bring repeat sales because this person knows exactly what to expect from you and your goods or services. They will recognize your business practices and will do business with you in such a way that will bring about a satisfying transaction to both you and your customer.
As you build relationships with your customers it will in turn establish a relationship with your customers family and friends. This can bring in a flow of long term valuable customers who will continue to shop with you and also tell others about your business services. This is free ?word-of-mouth? advertising which will result from loyalty and friendly customer service.
Yet another very important reason for quality customer service is the fact that many major purchases are not made during the first contact. Very likely the prospect is shopping for a good dependable provider to do business with. They may purchase a small item just to see the quality of the product and to see what kind of service they recieve. If they are satisfied with your services and products, then you have more than likely established a life long customer with the potential of many more.
Good customer service may include rewards in the form of a coupon that can be used for free or discounted items or some other kind of promotion that will draw people to visit your place of business. People like free and discounted items and will probably return for more at a later date.
You must be wise when it comes to the treatment of your customers. You have to understand that without your customers you will not be able to pay your bills or support your business. So, even the hardest and meanest customer service representative will admit the need of a loyal and friendly service provider.
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